




星雲賞受賞のことば フィリップ・リーヴ

星雲賞花 星雲賞を受賞できて、たいへん光栄に思います。読者のみなさん、そしてとりわけ、日本SFファングループ連合会議に感謝いたします。SFには子どものときから親しんできましたが、12、3歳のころに読んだいろいろな本の精神のようなものを捕らえたいと思って書いたのが、この『移動都市』です。その大半は、児童書ではなくて一般向けのSF小説でした。ただし、あらゆる年齢の読者に魅力を感じてもらいたいと考え、意図的に若いキャラクターを中心にストーリーを組み立てて、スピーディな展開を心がけました。




 『移動都市』の続篇であるPredator's Goldの翻訳は、今年の12月に刊行される予定だと聞いています。わたしの作品が日本で読まれ、楽しんでいただけて、これほどうれしいことはありません。出版社、そして、翻訳者の安野玲さんに心より感謝いたします。



Thanks SF Fans.

I'm very honoured to receive the Seiun Award, and I would like to thank my readers and especially the Japanese Federal Association of Science Fiction Fangroups. I have been reading SF since I was a child and with Mortal Engines I wanted to capture something of the spirit of the books that I enjoyed reading when I was twelve or thirteen. A lot of those were adult science fiction stories rather than children’s books. However, I deliberately based the story around young characters and made the pace very fast in the hope of appealing to readers of all ages.

When I started writing Mortal Engines I did not have the whole story in my head. I knew the beginning and end and had a few ideas for things that might happen in between, but there were a lot of surprises along the way.

The idea of traction cities and Municipal Darwinism came very suddenly, in a flash of inspiration. It’s obviously got something to do with urban sprawl and the way our own cities are eating up the surrounding towns and countryside, but there wasn’t any logical thought process which led me to the idea of traction cities ­ they just popped into my head one day and demanded to be put into a story.

I had no idea at first that there would be any further books in the series, but in the UK the fourth and last part of the series has just been published. For those who have read Mortal Engines: Tom and Hester remain important characters throughout the quartet, but they are growing up and some new, younger characters will be appearing to share the limelight.

I have heard that the Japanese edition of The Predator’s Gold, the sequel to Mortal Engines, will be published in December this year. I am very pleased that my books are being read and enjoyed in Japan. I would like to thank my publisher and above all, Ms. Rei An'no, who has made an excellent translation of Mortal Engines.

With best wishes, Philip Reeve


星雲賞副賞・蒔絵時計 星雲賞の授賞式はステージの下で遠くから見るものだと思っていましたが、自分がいただくことになって夢のようです。ありがとうございました。もう人生に思い残すことはありません。
